Financial Statements

Key Performance Indicators

All figures are calculated in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

RUB mln
Statement of financial position (RUB mln) 2Q2021 2020 2019
Assets 3,166,046 2,916,465 2,423,497
Net loans to customers, including 1,143,159 1,009,165 788,655
Loans to corporate clients 1,004,562 888,802 685,372
share 88% 88% 87%
Loans to individuals 138,597 120,363 103,283
share 12% 12% 13%
Due from credit institutions 682,040 778,837 348,794
Securities portfolio 453,175 402,181 296,718
Liabilities 2,910,138 2,681,969 2,213,065
Deposits by customers, including 1,725,360 1,737,515 1,339,535
Deposits by corporate clients 1,215,446 1,235,998 853,353
share 70% 71% 64%
Deposits by individuals 509,914 501,517 486,182
share 30% 29% 36%
Deposits by credit institutions 934,836 731,723 677,936
Debt securities issued 216,109 171,465 168,549
Total equity 255,908 234,496 210,432

RUB mln
Statement of comprehensive income (RUB mln) 6m 2021 6m 2020 6m 2019
Interest income 82,434 78,124 70,549
Interest expense -47,137 -50,625 -51,512
Provision for impairment of loans 0,562 -12,941 -5,555
Net interest income 35,859 14,558 13,482
Net fee and commission income 6,373 4,715 5,596
Operating income after provisions 30,952 22,176 13,197
Operating expense -13,842 -10,679 -10,737
Net income 13,550 9,124 2,161

Ratios 6m 2021 2020 2019
NPL (90+) 2.5 3.1 3.6
COR 0.6 1.8 1.0
RoAA 0.9 1.1 0.5
RoAE 13.5 16.9 7.8
Net interest margin, % 2.4 2.3 2.2
Cost to Income ratio 42.0 28.3 51.6
BIS Tier 1 CAR 14.8 15.0 14.5
BIS Total CAR 19.6 21.3 21.2

IFRS Financial Statements

RAS Reports

Auditor’s details

Full company name
Joint Stock Company "KPMG"
Short name
123112 Russia, Moscow, Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 10
Additional details
Independent auditor: JSC «KPMG», a company incorporated under the Laws of the Russian Federation, a member firm of the KPMG network of independent members firm affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative («KPMG International»), a Swiss entity. Member of the Self-regulated organization of auditors «Audit Chamber of Russia»; (Association). The Principal Registration Number of the Entry in the State Register of Auditors and Audit Organizations: № 10301000804.