CBM has debuted as Co-Manager of Eurobond placed on London Stock Exchange


January 24, CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW for the first time joined a syndicate (as a Co-Manager) placing a Eurobond on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

The bond issue was arranged for the largest Russian gold mining company Polyus Gold (PJSC Polyus, Polyus Finance Plc). The transaction allowed it to raise 500 mln dollars at 4.70% for 6 years with a minimum premium to the secondary market levels.

Russian and international investors’ demand was strong enough to achieve a 4x oversubscription.

The syndicate also included J.P. Morgan Securities plc, Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Limited, Sberbank (SIB (Cyprus) Limited), VTB (VTB Capital plc) and Gazprombank (Bank GPB International S.A.).

Furthermore, on January 25, CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW also Co-Arranged a Eurobond of one of the world’s largest aluminium and alumina producer, RUSAL (Rusal Capital D.A.C.). The transaction allowed it to raise 500 mln dollars at 4.85% for 5 years, in line with its Eurobond yield curve.

The syndicate also included Citi (B&D), J.P. Morgan, VTB Capital, Sovcombank, Credit Suisse, Gazprombank, NATIXIS, Renaissance Capital, Sberbank CIB, Unicredit.