CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW repaid a USD 131 syndicated loan facility


15 November 2012 CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW repaid in full a USD 131 B loan trade-related syndicated loan facility.

The repaid B loan was raised in November 2011 under A/B structured syndicated loan facility. International Finance Corporation (IFC) acted as transaction arranger and lenders were thirteen foreign banks with Raiffeisen Bank International AG being a coordination agent and Amsterdam Trade Bank N.V., Commerzbank AG, ING, Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg, Landesbank Berlin AG, Societe Generale SA and VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG being Initial Mandated Lead Arrangers and bookrunners. The B loan had a 255 b.p. (2.55%) margin over a 6-month LIBOR.

The outstanding A loan in the amount of USD 40mln was granted by IFC for a 5-year period in September 2010 for the purpose of financing energy efficient and agricultural projects in Russia. The A loan will be repaid in 2015.

CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW is an active participant of the international capital markets with a track record of 11 international syndicated loans since 2003. For more information, please visit International Business section of our web site.