CBM has presented its first Sustainability Report based on GRI standards


<p>For the first time in its practice, Credit Bank of Moscow (CBM) decided to report on its performance in terms of corporate social responsibility and prepared for publication its Sustainability Report for 2018. The Bank's management and shareholders believe it is particularly important to let its stakeholders know of its impacts on the society as a whole. CBM plans to do so on an annual basis.</p> <p>For maximum transparency, CBM prepared the Report based on the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) recognised by the global community. Pursuant to the GRI standards, key aspects of sustainable development and social responsibility were defined and served as the reference frame for setting the direction in which to develop the strategy for this area.</p> <p>"CBM has for years conducted its activities with the priorities of a mature, socially responsible business seeking not only to derive profits, but also to create positive effects for the society at large. As such, the Bank engages in socially important projects, which have been the drivers of its development during its entire history. The preparation of a sustainability report is one more step towards greater transparency of CBM's business," noted Vladimir Chubar, Chairman of the Management Board of CBM.</p> <p>The Sustainability Report can be viewed on <a href="https://mkb.ru/en/investor/annual_reports">CBM's website</a>.</p>