CBM has acted as mandated arranger of syndicated loan for Eurotorg
<p>CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW (CBM) and Eurotorg LLC signed a&nbsp;RUB 3.5 bln syndicated loan agreement. CBM acted as&nbsp;mandated arranger, initial lender and agent (credit manager). Another key lender is&nbsp;Gazprombank. The syndicated loan consists of&nbsp;3-year RUB 0.5 bln and 5-year RUB 3&nbsp;bln tranches.</p> <p>&laquo;CBM works actively with companies from member-states of&nbsp;the Eurasian Economic Union, and offers various forms of&nbsp;financing tailored to&nbsp;the current needs of&nbsp;each customer. In&nbsp;this case, a&nbsp;CBM-led deal will help the company to&nbsp;optimise its debt portfolio. The Bank has been working with Eurotorg for a&nbsp;long time: we&nbsp;had already provided the company with financing for settlements with Russian suppliers and arranged a&nbsp;bond issue. Eurotorg is&nbsp;currently one of&nbsp;the best borrowers in&nbsp;Belarus and a&nbsp;leader in&nbsp;the food retail segment. It&nbsp;goes without saying that we&nbsp;want this cooperation to&nbsp;continue,&raquo; noted Alexander Kaznacheev, Deputy Chairman of&nbsp;the Management Board.</p> <p>&laquo;We&nbsp;are pleased to&nbsp;announce that Eurotorg has closed its second successful Russian capital markets deal in&nbsp;3Q&nbsp;2019. This transaction marks an&nbsp;important step in&nbsp;diversification of&nbsp;our financing sources and optimising our debt profile. The proceeds will be&nbsp;used for debt refinancing purposes and will extend Eurotorg&rsquo;s debt maturity profile. The agreement we&nbsp;have signed is&nbsp;the first ever syndicated loan for private corporate borrower in&nbsp;Belarus, and is&nbsp;thus a&nbsp;milestone not only for the company, but also for the entire Belarusian market. Attracting long-term unsecured financing underscores Eurotorg&rsquo;s strong standing as&nbsp;a&nbsp;reputable, high-quality borrower with a&nbsp;robust strategy, efficient business model and significant potential for future growth,&raquo; commented Andrey Zubkov, CEO of&nbsp;Eurotorg.</p> <p>Eurotorg is&nbsp;the largest food retailer in&nbsp;Belarus with a&nbsp;19% market share (2017). Its business was launched in&nbsp;1993 in&nbsp;Minsk. As&nbsp;of&nbsp;30&nbsp;September 2018, Eurotorg operated 677 food stores of&nbsp;different formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores) under the brands Euroopt and Brusnichka. Around 970,000 buyers come to&nbsp;its stores daily in&nbsp;251 settlements of&nbsp;Belarus. The company also develops two leading online grocery business channels: E-dostavka.by and Gipermall.by. In&nbsp;2018 Eurotorg launched Magia drugstores (67&nbsp;stores as&nbsp;of&nbsp;30&nbsp;September 2018).</p>