Credit Bank of Moscow has become the Guardian of an Amur Leopard at Moscow Zoo
<p>Credit Bank of&nbsp;Moscow (CBM) has signed a&nbsp;partnership agreement with the Moscow Zoological Park, whereby CBM undertakes to&nbsp;cover the subsistence of&nbsp;an&nbsp;Amur leopard at&nbsp;the zoo during 12&nbsp;months.</p> <p>&laquo;Environmental responsibility is&nbsp;no&nbsp;longer a&nbsp;question of&nbsp;a&nbsp;narrow circle of&nbsp;specialists. And the shape of&nbsp;the world in&nbsp;which the next generation is&nbsp;going to&nbsp;live has much to&nbsp;do&nbsp;with corporate responsibility. We&nbsp;believe that everyone can contribute something to&nbsp;the preservation and augmentation of&nbsp;our natural treasures. The partnership with Moscow Zoo is&nbsp;not the only environmental project of&nbsp;our bank. Our projects aim to&nbsp;develop our corporate culture and initiatives of&nbsp;our employees and also to&nbsp;support important public initiatives, for example that seeking to&nbsp;preserve our forests&raquo;, noted Vladimir Chubar, Chairman of&nbsp;the Management Board.</p> <p>Preserving the population of&nbsp;Amur leopard is&nbsp;a&nbsp;topical issue of&nbsp;the national level. In&nbsp;April 2019, Vladimir Putin, President of&nbsp;Russia, emphasised once again the importance of&nbsp;this task and praised the achievements on&nbsp;this count and the contribution of&nbsp;the Russian Academy of&nbsp;Sciences, which carries out a&nbsp;dedicated wildlife protection project &laquo;AMUR LEOPARD&raquo;.</p> <p>The Amur leopard (lat. <em>Panthera pardus orientalis</em>) is&nbsp;a&nbsp;feline predator, a&nbsp;leopard subspecies living in&nbsp;mountain coniferous &amp;&nbsp;broadleaf forests of&nbsp;the Far East, at&nbsp;the border of&nbsp;three countries: Russia, China and North Korea. Now the Amur leopard verges on&nbsp;extinction, being the rarest leopard subspecies: as&nbsp;at&nbsp;2017, only 87&nbsp;individuals remained in&nbsp;their natural habitat in&nbsp;Russia.</p>