MKB has enabled contactless purchase of tickets to Moscow Zoo


Credit Bank of Moscow (MKB) and Moscow Zoo have implemented a contactless ticketing project: the bank has installed self-service terminals in the zoo which sell tickets to its internal expositions.

Currently, these are "Arachnolandia", "Exotarium", "Confiscated" and a combined exhibition of flora and fauna. To promote financial literacy among younger visitors in an attractive way, MKB has shaped its payment terminals to look like funny animals. Such terminals allow visitors to go all the way from choosing a ticket to printing it out using a special game-like interactive interface, and to top up their Troyka cards.

"MKB has created not just a ticketing service, but a full-fledged product, tailored for a unique location and target audience. The installation of contactless payment terminals serves a wide range of purposes: from taking care of zoo visitors' health and safety by minimising interpersonal contacts to reducing queues by diversifying ticket purchase methods, – noted Igor Mayorov, head of MKB's transaction business development unit. – The social component of this project has been pivotal for us, because making ticket purchase quick, easy and, most importantly, remote and safe is an effective anti-contagion measure, which will remain valuable even after the restrictions are lifted".

Now that economic problems and the epidemiologic situation adversely affect the social and cultural spheres, it is very important to make joint projects helping to regain lost opportunities more quickly, launch new programmes and support environmental and social causes. MKB in its turn consistently adheres to the principles of sustainable development and facilitates such projects. Apart from providing contactless ticket selling terminals to the Moscow Zoo, MKB is also the official guardian of an Amur leopard at the zoo.