MKB gets Global Banking & Finance Award-2021 as the Best Investor Relations Bank


MKB has won two nominations of Global Banking & Finance Awards-2021: “Best Investor Relations Bank Russia 2021” and “Banking Group Brand of the Year Awards Russia 2021”.

Global Banking & Finance Awards is a prestigious annual financial sector competition where an independent assessment is given to financial and banking novelties, emerging financial areas, financial corporations' innovation, progress and best practices around the world. The contestants are awarded for significant contributions to innovative practices and approaches.

“MKB takes investor relations very seriously. It maintains an open and transparent dialogue with its existing and potential shareholders and investors, for years remaining the most active Russian bank by public transactions in the international capital market.  So we are truly grateful to the international judging panel for the high evaluation of our work, and to our customers and investors for choosing MKB”, - commented Julia Titova, First Vice President of MKB.

More information is available at the award's official webpage