MKB is leader among domestic real sector bond arrangers


Credit Bank of Moscow (MKB, Region-Rossium Group) has become a leader among arrangers of domestic real sector bond placements, taking the first line in Cbonds' 1H2021 ranking.

MKB has also landed top positions in the following rankings: Russian bonds arrangers (market issues, net of proprietary ones) – #2, Russian bonds arrangers (net of proprietary issues) – #3, Russian debut corporate bond issue arrangers – #3-4, and Russian bonds arrangers (all issues) – #4. 

MKB's share in the capital market is c. 13% (market issues, net of proprietary ones). In 2021, MKB has already closed 36 deals totalling more than 500 bln roubles in principal amount, including social bonds of MTS, green bonds of Atomenergoprom, debut perpetual bonds of Gazprom, bonds of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RZD, CTM, M.Video and