MKB Is Named Sustainable Bank of the Year in Russia by Pan Finance Magazine


Credit Bank of Moscow (MKB) has been awarded by Pan Finance Magazine as the Sustainable Bank of the Year 2021. Pan Finance annually identifies financial organisations that have excelled in their respective fields, that allows it to shine a spotlight on and applaud leading examples of best practice in the global arena.

Finalists in each nomination are chosen by the magazine readers. Pan Finance provides its subscribers with online award surveys which include the selected categories and participants, the results of these are aggregated and a shortlist is generated; these shortlists then get passed on to the magazine research team and professional business journalists who analyse them based on a set of predetermined criteria, thus arriving at the final list of winners.

"We are grateful to the Pan Finance Magazine readers and experts for such a high evaluation of the sustainable development work done by MKB. It is encouraging to see that our progress has been spotted by the international community. This success would be certainly impossible without active engagement of all our employees. We also owe much to our shareholders, customers and partners who strongly support our ESG initiatives," commented Julia Titova, First Vice President of MKB.