CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW’s Base Capital up by RUB 5 bln
<p>26&nbsp;February 2015&nbsp;&mdash; CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW has filed with the Bank of&nbsp;Russia the closing notice in&nbsp;respect of&nbsp;its additional issue of&nbsp;1.3 bln ordinary registered uncertified shares of&nbsp;1&nbsp;rouble par value each placed by&nbsp;public subscription. As&nbsp;a&nbsp;result of&nbsp;this placement, the Bank's charter capital increased by&nbsp;8.8% and reached RUB 15.7&nbsp;bln. The total amount invested was 5&nbsp;bln roubles.</p> <p>The Bank's shares were placed to&nbsp;its current majority shareholder LLC&nbsp;ROSSIUM Concern. The new shares were bought by&nbsp;the main shareholder with the proceeds from repayment (conversion) of&nbsp;a&nbsp;RUB 5&nbsp;bln subordinated loan granted by&nbsp;it&nbsp;to&nbsp;the Bank in&nbsp;December 2014.</p> <p>The conversion of&nbsp;this subordinated loan into share capital was made in&nbsp;order to&nbsp;strengthen the Bank's capital structure and was approved by&nbsp;the minority shareholders. Upon its completion, ROSSIUM Concern became the holder of&nbsp;86.2% of&nbsp;shares in&nbsp;the Bank, while the minority shareholders are now left with the following stakes: EBRD&nbsp;— 6.9%, IFC&nbsp;— 2.7% and RBOF Holding Company I, Ltd. —&nbsp;4.2%.</p> <p>As&nbsp;of&nbsp;1&nbsp;February 2015, the Bank's capital adequacy ratios were as&nbsp;follows: N1.1&nbsp;— 7.2%, N1.2&nbsp;— 7.2%, N1.0&nbsp;— 14.4%.</p>