CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW fully redeemed the bond issue series 07 in the amount of RUB 2 bln
<p>On&nbsp;July&nbsp;14, 2015&nbsp;CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW paid out the 10th coupon and redeemed the bonds series&nbsp;07 (identification number of&nbsp;the issue 40701978B from 25.02.2010).</p> <p>The annual coupon rate is&nbsp;9.3%. Total amount of&nbsp;income payable on&nbsp;the coupon amounted to&nbsp;RUB 92,740,00&nbsp;or RUB 46.37 per one bond. Total amount of&nbsp;income payable on&nbsp;this bond issue amounted to&nbsp;RUB 967&nbsp;mln.</p> <p>The placement of&nbsp;bonds series 07&nbsp;completed on&nbsp;July&nbsp;20, 2010. Total debt amounted to&nbsp;RUB 2&nbsp;bln with maturity of&nbsp;5&nbsp;years. Bond issue arrangers included CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW (open joint-stock company) and OJSC Bank &quot;Zenit&quot;. Bonds series 07&nbsp;have ten semiannual coupons.</p> <p>Currently there are eight bond issues of&nbsp;CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW on&nbsp;the market in&nbsp;the total amount of&nbsp;RUB 43&nbsp;bln: exchange bonds series BO-02, BO-06, BO-07, BO-09, BO-10 and BO-11 with a&nbsp;total amount of&nbsp;RUB 38&nbsp;bln and subordinated bonds series 11&nbsp;and 12&nbsp;with a&nbsp;total amount of&nbsp;RUB 5&nbsp;bln. More detailed information on&nbsp;CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW's securities can be&nbsp;found in&nbsp;the&nbsp;IR section <a href="" >Investor relations</a>. </p>