Notice of an extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting of CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW (open joint-stock company)
<p>Dear CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW's shareholders,</p> <p>Pursuant to&nbsp;a&nbsp;resolution of&nbsp;the Supervisory Board of&nbsp;CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW (open joint-stock company) (the &quot;Bank&quot;) dated December&nbsp;15, 2015, an&nbsp;extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of&nbsp;the Bank is&nbsp;to&nbsp;be&nbsp;held on&nbsp;<b>March&nbsp;3, 2016</b> in&nbsp;the form of&nbsp;absentee voting.</p> <p>Date of&nbsp;making the list of&nbsp;persons entitled to&nbsp;participate in&nbsp;the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting: January&nbsp;15, 2016. </p> <p>The ending date for receipt of&nbsp;ballots for voting: March&nbsp;3, 2016;</p> <p>Postal address for sending the completed ballots: 2&nbsp;(bldg.&nbsp;1) Lukov pereulok, Moscow, Russia, 107045.</p> <p><b>Agenda of&nbsp;the extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting</b>:</p> <ol> <li>Approval of&nbsp;amendments and additions to&nbsp;the Bank's Charter.</li> <li>Approval of&nbsp;the restated Regulation on&nbsp;the General Shareholders' Meeting of&nbsp;the Bank.</li> <li>Approval of&nbsp;the restated Regulation on&nbsp;the Supervisory Board of&nbsp;the Bank.</li> <li>Approval of&nbsp;the restated Regulation on&nbsp;the Audit Panel of&nbsp;the Bank.</li> <li>Approval of&nbsp;an&nbsp;interested party transaction.</li> </ol> <p>Any persons stated in&nbsp;the list of&nbsp;persons entitled to&nbsp;participate in&nbsp;the Meeting or&nbsp;their representatives acting under power of&nbsp;attorney or&nbsp;law may participate the Meeting Any power of&nbsp;attorney for voting must specify&nbsp;&mdash; the principal and the proxy (the name and identity document details (serial code and/or number, date and place of&nbsp;issue, issuing authority) for an&nbsp;individual or&nbsp;the name and registered address for an&nbsp;entity). Any such power of&nbsp;attorney must be&nbsp;executed as&nbsp;required by&nbsp;clauses 3&nbsp;and 4&nbsp;of&nbsp;article 185.1 of&nbsp;the Civil Code of&nbsp;the Russian Federation or&nbsp;notarised.</p> <p>Where any shares are transferred after the date of&nbsp;making the list of&nbsp;persons entitled to&nbsp;participate in&nbsp;the General Shareholders' Meeting and before the date of&nbsp;such General Shareholders' Meeting, the transferor must issue a&nbsp;power of&nbsp;attorney for voting thereat&nbsp;to, or&nbsp;vote thereat as&nbsp;instructed&nbsp;by, the transferee, if&nbsp;it&nbsp;is&nbsp;provided for in&nbsp;the share transfer agreement.</p> <p>The voting rights attached to&nbsp;any share in&nbsp;the Bank held jointly may be&nbsp;exercised at&nbsp;the General Shareholders' Meeting at&nbsp;the discretion of&nbsp;the joint holders by&nbsp;either any one of&nbsp;them or&nbsp;their common proxy. The authority of&nbsp;either of&nbsp;the latter two must be&nbsp;duly evidenced.</p> <p>The documents (notarised copies) evidencing authorities of&nbsp;successors and proxies of&nbsp;the persons stated in&nbsp;the list of&nbsp;persons entitled to&nbsp;participate in&nbsp;the General Shareholders' Meeting must be&nbsp;attached to&nbsp;any voting ballots sent by&nbsp;such persons.</p> <p>Information (materials) to&nbsp;be&nbsp;provided in&nbsp;contemplation of&nbsp;the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting to&nbsp;the persons entitled to&nbsp;participate therein may be&nbsp;inspected: (i) from 01.02.2016 to&nbsp;02.03.2016, from 09:00 to&nbsp;18:00 Moscow time (save for weekends and public holidays) in&nbsp;the Bank's premises&nbsp;at: 2&nbsp;(bldg.&nbsp;1) Lukov pereulok, Moscow; (ii) at&nbsp;the time of&nbsp;holding of&nbsp;the extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on&nbsp;03.03.2016&nbsp;at: 2&nbsp;(bldg.&nbsp;1) Lukov pereulok, Moscow.</p> <p>Any persons entitled to&nbsp;participate in&nbsp;the extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting may request copies of&nbsp;materials to&nbsp;be&nbsp;provided in&nbsp;contemplation thereof. The Bank may charge a&nbsp;fee for making copies of&nbsp;such materials, such fee not to&nbsp;exceed the cost of&nbsp;making thereof.</p> <p>To&nbsp;obtain the information (materials), shareholders are required to&nbsp;carry a&nbsp;passport or&nbsp;another identity document, and shareholders' representatives are also required to&nbsp;have a&nbsp;power of&nbsp;attorney and/or evidence of&nbsp;their authority to&nbsp;act on&nbsp;behalf of&nbsp;the relevant shareholder without a&nbsp;power of&nbsp;attorney.</p> <p>To&nbsp;obtain additional information, please send your questions to&nbsp;email of&nbsp;the Corporate Secretary of&nbsp;the Bank <a href="" ></a>.</p>