Anton Virichev joins CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW's Management Board
<p>Anton Virichev who heads CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW's Risk Management Directorate has joined its Management Board. His nomination was approved by&nbsp;the Central Bank on&nbsp;24&nbsp;February 2016.</p> <p>Now CBM's executive body managing its day-to-day operations has seven members: Mr. Vladimir Chubar, Chairman of&nbsp;the Management Board, Mr. Dmitry Eremin, First Deputy Chairman of&nbsp;the Management Board, Ms. Svetlana Sass, Chief Accountant, Ms. Darya Galkina, Mr. Yury Ubeev and Mr. Alexey Kosyakov&nbsp;&mdash; Deputy Chairpersons of&nbsp;the Management Board, and Mr. Anton Virichev, Head of&nbsp;Risk Management Directorate.</p> <p>&quot;As&nbsp;a&nbsp;Management Board member, Anton will continue to&nbsp;assess credit, financial and sectoral risks of&nbsp;our corporate customers, arrange monitoring of&nbsp;our loan portfolio, improve our lending process and implement the Bank's long-term risk management development strategy&quot;, noted <b>Vladimir Chubar, Chairman of&nbsp;the Management Board</b>.</p> <p>Anton Olegovich Virichev was born in&nbsp;1978 in&nbsp;Moscow. In&nbsp;1999&nbsp;he graduated from the Finance Academy under the Government of&nbsp;the Russian Federation with a&nbsp;degree in&nbsp;&quot;Finance and Credit&quot; and was awarded the degree of&nbsp;PhD in&nbsp;Economics in&nbsp;2003. He&nbsp;joined CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW in&nbsp;February 2009&nbsp;as the head of&nbsp;Risk Analysis Unit of&nbsp;Risk Management Department and became the head of&nbsp;that department in&nbsp;April. In&nbsp;August 2010 Anton became the Director of&nbsp;Risk Management Division, a&nbsp;position he&nbsp;held until April 2011. From June 2011 to&nbsp;January 2015&nbsp;Mr. Virichev's career spanned various positions in&nbsp;Sberbank of&nbsp;Russia and Nota Bank. In&nbsp;January 2015&nbsp;he returned to&nbsp;CBM as&nbsp;the Head of&nbsp;Risk Management Directorate, a&nbsp;position he&nbsp;holds to&nbsp;date. Management Board member since 24&nbsp;February 2016.</p>