CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW stocks were included in the MICEX Index and the RTS Index
<p>On&nbsp;June 16th, 2016 Moscow Exchange included shares of&nbsp;CREDIT BANK OF&nbsp;MOSCOW (public joint-stock company) (code: CBOM) in&nbsp;the constituent lists of&nbsp;the MICEX Index and the RTS Index. The calculation of&nbsp;the indices is&nbsp;based on&nbsp;the 50&nbsp;most liquid Russian stocks of&nbsp;the largest Russian companies from key sectors of&nbsp;the economy.</p> <p>CBM shares were also included in&nbsp;the Broad Market Index and the Financial Sector Index. Shares with free-float no&nbsp;less than&nbsp;5% are included in&nbsp;the calculation base of&nbsp;the Broad Market Index. According to&nbsp;Moscow Exchange, free-float of&nbsp;CBM shares constitutes 18%.</p> <p>Earlier, in&nbsp;June 2015, CBM went public (IPO) on&nbsp;Moscow Exchange with a&nbsp;diversified order book that consisted of&nbsp;both institutional and retail investors. Based on&nbsp;the offer price of&nbsp;RUB 3.62 per share, CBM raised RUB 13.2&nbsp;billion.</p> <p>In&nbsp;December 2015, CBM conducted a&nbsp;secondary public offering (SPO) on&nbsp;Moscow Exchange raising RUB 16.5&nbsp;billion, while the total market capitalization of&nbsp;CBM amounted to&nbsp;RUB 87.6&nbsp;billion. On&nbsp;June 10th, 2016, according to&nbsp;Moscow Exchange, CBM's market capitalization exceeded RUB 95&nbsp;billion.</p>