CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW will hold a conference call on the 1H 2015 results under IFRS on August 31, 2015


On August 31 at 5.00 pm Moscow time (4.00 pm CET) CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW will hold a conference call for investors and analysts to discuss its IFRS financial and business results for the 1H 2015.

The 1H 2015 results and the press release will be available on the Bank’s webpage on August 31, 2015. The conference will be hosted by Vladimir Chubar, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank, Eric de Beauchamp, Senior Vice President and Elena Finashina, Director of International Business Division.

The conference will be held in English. Contact numbers for participants are as follows:

+7 495 213 0982

+44 20 3364 5729 (Local access)
0800 279 4843 (Toll free)

+1 646 254 3369 (Local access)
1 855 217 7942 (Toll free)

+49 89 1214 00698 (Local access)
0800 589 2666 (Toll free)

Hong Kong
+852 3071 3200 (Local access)
800 905 742 (Toll free)

+65 6622 1966 (Local access)
800 120 5860 (Toll free)

United Arab Emirates
8000 8907 (Toll free)

Conference ID is 6393845 

In order to listen in and watch the presentation please log in following the link
For further information please contact Sergey Lukyanov, Head of Investor Relations Unit at +7 (495) 797-42-22 ext. 6223 (e-mail: