09 ноября 2021

ESG financing

We are ready to provide to our customers a wide range of ESG financing services: green, social, transition, sustainable, sustainability KPI-linked and ESG rating-linked loans.

We are ready to provide to our customers a wide range of ESG financing services: green, social, transition, sustainable, sustainability KPI-linked and ESG rating-linked loans.


  • First in Russia: raised an international ESG KPI-linked syndicated loan
  • MKB's sustainable projects totalled RUB 58.3 bln as at 2020YE


  • Sustainable bank of the year, Russia 2021 (Pan Finance)
  • First-in-Russia interbank ESG-linked loan tied to RAEX Europe rating

Any positively evaluated projects are classified as "Green", "Social", "Sustainable" or "Transition" in line with our internal taxonomy of sustainable financing, then their positive social and environmental effects, including any GHG emission reduction impact, are qualitatively and quantitatively assessed.

Responsible special-purpose financing:

  • Green loans
  • Social loans
  • Transition loans
  • Sustainable loans

ESG financing for general corporate purposes:

  • sustainability KPI-linked loans
  • ESG rating-linked loans

Consultations and a more detailed overview of our products and services can be obtained from our ESG team: esg@mkb.ru